杏耀注册:人类健康科技共享集团有限公司网站制作项目 - 杏耀注册


发表日期:2021-12-17 17:37:26   作者来源:杏耀注册   浏览:2764   标签:公司网站制作    中英文网站建设    


HUMAN HEALTH TECHNOLOGY SHARING GROUP,He is a famous biological scientist and professor of strategic Research Group of Chinese Academy of Engineering,Deputy director of expert Committee of China High-tech Industrialization Promotion Association,Lifetime Visiting Professor, United Nations Medical University for International Exchange,Initiated by Du Zhizheng, co-planned with DELE and approved by the Seychelles Government

Mr DeLe, from NIGERIA, was a Nigerian presidential candidate,His family's assets rank highest on Nigeria, where the Deles occupy a seventh of the land,DeLe, a longtime president of his family's TACOBEL VENTURES LTD, was NIGERIA's richest man, DELE is the general director of destiny Common Body project of African Smart City Health Education,additional post YBOT WELLNESS AND HEALTHCARE CLUB LIMITEDpresident ;

HHTS Sharing an international platform to spread the message of human health, We will help regional countries establish basic public health education and training systems,We will provide the international community with better and more medical supplies, medical products, and high-quality health products to strengthen the prevention and control of infectious viruses;

Viruses know no borders, they know no races, and the implications of human health are diverse and broad, including many aspects of physical, psychological and social adaptation,Health is a matter of safety.The Human Health Technology Community (HHTS) follows scientific rules,Building a healthy economy for mankind and a healthy energy sharing development model、We will develop a sharing system for healthy ecology, healthy agriculture, and health education;


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